Weight Loss Hacks You Wish You Knew About Earlier


Everyone who wants to lose weight has likely tried a fad diet. They’ve worked through deprivation, low-carb approaches, and maybe even more cabbage soup and juice cleanse than they’d care to admit.


Virtually everyone in these circumstances shares something in common with everyone else: the weight loss efforts didn’t work.

The weight might have disappeared for a while before it came back. It probably felt good to fit into the older clothes when that outcome happened.

Why do so many efforts at losing weight fail?

What You Need to Know About Losing Weight

Weight loss doesn’t need to start at the gym. You don’t need to spend hours on a treadmill or trying to lift weights to achieve results. Even something simple, like moving for about 30 minutes each day, can help your body get what it needs.

Once you start moving, these additional points are crucial to remember.

  1. Losing weight happens in your head first. Before you can start losing weight, you must choose to find a personalised nutrition plan that meets your needs. When you decide to nourish your brain first, the positivity and self-love you feel during those moments can be the inspiration you need to accomplish the necessary changes in your life to achieve your health and fitness goals.

  2. It can be a lifetime journey. Losing weight is only the first step for your overall health goals. Once you get it off, you need to watch what you eat to maintain your gains. Having a plan to implement after achieving your desired outcome can help you avoid falling away from your goals. It may help to have personalised vitamins supplementing your nutritional needs to prevent binge episodes and portion control issues.

  3. Losing weight isn’t the end-all goal. Although losing weight is important if your BMI is too high, it isn’t the only part of this journey that you need to consider. Skinny people can look at themselves in the mirror and feel unsatisfied as much as you can when obesity or being overweight is your primary concern. Try to keep pictures of your progress to remind yourself of how far you’ve come.

  4. Be ready to change your goals. Some people enter a weight loss journey by setting a specific goal for the amount they want to lose. Once they reach that target, they think they’ll be happy. It isn’t always about your shape or size! When you follow a healthy lifestyle, you’ll see that it might be better to grow muscle instead of losing fat, work on your confidence, or get rid of some sugary items in your cupboards.

  5. Exercise doesn’t solve a terrible diet. Your personalised nutrition is the foundation of your weight loss experience. If your eating habits don’t include healthy foods, no amount of exercise will solve your problem. Upping the amount of time spent at the gym won’t produce dramatic results. Exercising helps you feel good and improve your stamina, but it is the intake that matters more when trying to shrink your waist.

  6. A slowing metabolism is a real thing. As you start getting older, your metabolism doesn’t require as much fuel to keep your energy levels high. Try focusing on being healthy at each meal to encourage weight loss to happen. When you make life-centred choices, you’ll notice that it is easier to keep making the scale go lower as time passes.

Every activity counts. Each food you consume contributes. The bottom line is this: unless you love yourself on all levels, what you eat can serve as a coping skill that leads to unhealthy habits. If your priority is to take care of you, you’ve found the most fantastic weight loss hack of all time.

Kelly Youren - Dip, NNT, mNNA
Alyve Head Nutritionist

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