Immunity-Boosting Tips You Need This Winter


When we look back at the year 2020 a decade or two down the road, the lessons we’ve learned during these moments will hopefully translate into lifestyle changes that keep us healthier.


That’s the future. In the present, the winter looks to bring us more COVID-19 cases, problems with influenza, and all of the common colds that float out there.

The best thing you can do for yourself to stay healthy this winter is to follow these three steps whenever possible.

  • Wear a mask or facial covering whenever you are inside around people who are not your family or roommates.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water every two hours, using hand sanitation products when that isn’t possible.
  • Try to stay at least six feet away from people indoors or outside to prevent illnesses from spreading.

You can also take steps to boost your immune system during the winter months. Here are some of the options you can pursue.

  1. Get More Sleep If you get less than six hours of sleep each night, you’re more likely to get sick compared to those who get between 7-9 hours of rest. Sleeping could strengthen your natural immunity levels while providing your internal systems with the energy needed to fight off the disease or illness.

When you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, try being in a cool, dark room without any distractions. It might also help to exercise regularly and go to bed around the same time each night.

  1. Watch What You Eat Consuming whole plant foods might give your immune system the upper hand it needs when protecting your body against harmful germs. Your personalised nutrition plan should include lots of seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and legumes to get enough antioxidants.

These foods can fight the chronic inflammation that some people have, a health condition that may lead to specific cancers, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Healthy fats should also play a role. Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as chia seeds and salmon, can fight this inflammation.

  1. Reduce Sugar Intake Refined carbohydrates and sugar may contribute to obesity when consumed without moderation. It might also reduce the strength of your immune system. People with high BMI numbers are twice as likely to get influenza, even after getting a flu shot, than those at a regular weight with reasonable eating habits.

Cutting down on added sugars can also reduce personal risk factors for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other illnesses without suppressing your immune system.

  1. Get Plenty of Water Although hydration won’t stop a virus from infiltrating your immune system, dehydration can weaken your immune system to make things worse. When you don’t get enough fluids, your focus, mood, performance, digestion, kidney function, and heart won’t work as they should. Try to avoid sweetened products to keep your added sugar consumption numbers low. Older adults need to drink regularly, even when they don’t feel thirsty.

  2. Take Personalised Vitamins Although no supplement, vitamin, or nutrient can cure disease, it can give your immune system more strength to fight it off naturally. Since each person has different nutritional needs, personalised vitamins are an excellent investment to consider.

Products like vitamin D, vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, garlic, and even glucosamine may help you get the upper hand on all of those germs that float around each winter.

A few simple lifestyle adjustments can help you take care of your immune system better. Add these ideas to your current daily routine to see if you can show 2020 that you’ve got what it takes to have a healthy winter season.

Kelly Youren - Dip, NNT, mNNA
Alyve Head Nutritionist

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