Hangover Cure Cheat Sheet


Having a night out with your best friends can seem like the most fun you’ll ever have. That perspective changes when you wake up with a blistering headache, tons of nausea, and an overwhelming urge to hug your toilet.


Hangovers happen when excessive alcohol consumption occurs. Most people feel weakness, thirst, fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, and stomach pain when it develops.

A hangover can also mimic some migraine symptoms, such as sensitivity to light and sound, increased blood pressure, and vertigo.

If you find yourself in this situation, the following steps can serve as your hangover cure cheat sheet for the day.

Step 1: Solve the Dehydration Problem When you had lots to drink the night before, the frequent urination you experienced can quickly lead to dehydration. One of the first steps to take when having a hangover is to pump as many fluids into your body as possible. It won’t be a quick fix, but each glass will start to have you feeling a little better.

Water doesn’t help with nausea. It will prevent feelings of lightheadedness and dizziness that happen with dehydration that could exacerbate the situation.

Step 2: Pain Relief A couple of ibuprofen tablets after a long night out with your friends can keep the headache away during your hangover. If you don’t have any at home, consider taking aspirin. The medicine thins the blood a little, counteracts the inflammation that alcohol causes, and reduces the nausea you might experience.

Since the medication can cause a sour stomach, you may want to wait until you don’t feel like throwing up to take this step. Some people experience heartburn, which an antacid can solve.

Step 3: Do Some Stretching Since exercise is the last thing you want to be doing during a hangover, a reasonable compromise with your body would be to do some stretching. Any movement that gets the blood pumping encourages faster recovery.

Yoga is especially suitable for encouraging a hangover to disappear. If you’re not feeling great, consider trying the child’s pose. The movement compresses your core, improves digestion, and provides some relief for muscle aches and pains.

Step 4: Focus on Your Nutrition One way to treat a hangover is to prevent one from happening. Personalised vitamins can provide your body with some resiliency against the alcohol intake you plan to enjoy. The extra nutrients can help your liver function better, keep your stomach stable, and give you the energy needed for the entire evening.

If you still wake up with a hangover, consider popping open a Sprite while taking another dose of your vitamins. This carbonated beverage helps your liver break the alcohol down into acetic acid to reduce its influence.

Step 5: Go Back to Bed If you don’t have anywhere to be, getting over a hangover can be as simple as going back to sleep. Since tossing and turning happen more frequently when you’ve had a couple too many, even three hours of extra sleep during the morning hours can be helpful when dealing with unwanted physical symptoms.

It may be helpful to eat a few high-fibre vegetables before you head to bed. Although it’ll slow the alcohol processing work a little, your stomach will stay more settled.

This hangover cure cheat sheet provides the generic steps needed to start feeling better after a long night out. If these options aren’t available, take a hot shower, get yourself outside, or take some magnesium to help the recovery process begin.

Amy Young - BSc (hons), mBANT, mCNHC
Alyve Head Nutritionist

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