Better than Blue Monday


There seems to be a day to celebrate everything. We did some digging and wanted to share some happier and more positive days to celebrate this January!


The powers that be (a bunch of marketers) decided that there is a day when we must feel the most depressed – Blue Monday, being the 3rd Monday in January, and this year it's the 16th. January is a great month and the 16th does not have to be ‘blue’. Sure it’s cold and payday feels like a million miles away but there is no better reason to cosy up and hibernate as nature intended. Feed your body and your soul, reset and rejuvenate for the year ahead.

Positive Days To Celebrate This January

January 4th is celebrated as National Spaghetti Day. Now if you missed this on January 4th we see no reason why we can’t celebrate this every week! Pasta is one of the best vehicles for a delicious sauce. Wholemeal spaghetti is our favourite! Check out our recipe in the previous post.

National Clean off Your Desk Day is the 2nd Monday of January each year. Yes, we thought this was very random as well. However, if you do tend to be a bit messy this is a great opportunity to begin your new year with a clean and organized workspace. Having an uncluttered and organised space to do work will be calming and help efficiency. Ok, it might not be everyone's idea of fun, but give it a go.

**National Hugging Day **is celebrated every year on January 21st and was allegedly celebrated for the first time on January 21, 1986, in Michigan, USA. The idea aims to encourage everyone to hug their family and friends more often. Post-Covid we feel hugging may be a bit lacking. Oxytocin is a chemical in our bodies that is associated with happiness and when we hug, it rises!

Global Belly Laugh Day is on January 24th. Laughter even increases endorphins, which are the body’s “feel-good hormones.” A good belly laugh also increases circulation and relaxes the muscles.

National Seed Swap Day is January 28th. This is observed in the US, but we see no reason why we can’t spread awareness for this day in the UK. This is a great reminder that Spring is on the way and a time when gardeners can prepare. It is also a great way to perpetuate biodiversity. If you are not yet a gardener with seeds to swap, this may be a great time to learn some tips and get started.

**World Vitamin Day. ** We declare that every day is vitamin day! There are indeed many days throughout the year that honour particular vitamins and their roles in the human body. During the year you may see our nod to certain nutrients and their superpowers, however, we could never pick just one to pay tribute to. It’s the combination of nutrients at work that is the real magic and why you have to pack so many into your day. Don’t feel like you get enough? Take our questionnaire below to see what vitamins will optimise your health. You can also see our post about how to 'Stay Healthy in 2023' for some practical health tips which will also help with those positive vibes.

Alyve Content Team - Alyve Wellness
Alyve Head Nutritionist

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